HOW TO HACK WIFI USING A LAPTOP...!! pacman emoticon pacman emoticon tongue emoticon
(1 ) Comview.
(2) Aircrack ng 1.0 (for windows)
Step 1 : Download n install both software, wat u need now is to capture packets usin Comview for WiFi, packets r data dat is been sent back n forth frm d owners pc n d wifi adapter.
Step 2 : Play comview, it'll 1st scan all d channels dat r available.
Step 3 : Click capture once the desired wifi is found. Step 4 : Save all d data packets in d dump format, once u have enough data packets.
Step 5 : Now open up d aircrack-ng gui.exe, for d aircrack menu.
Step 6 : Open d folder wer u hav saved all ur packets n launch d aircrack ng gui.
if u fail, it means dat u stil dont hav enough packets.. so capture more.
Step 7 : Just wait for d password to be decrypted.
And use the details to login n enjoy internet.
Download links :
(1 ) Comview for wifi :
(2) Aircrack ng 1.0 (for windows) -

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