List of all short forms and full form of the abbreviations

Full form of Mobile Files, Platform and other parts

  1. Full form of JAR � Java Archive
  2. Full form of JAD � Java Description/Descriptors
  3. Full form of GPRS � General Packet Radio Service
  4. Full form of SMS � Short Message Service
  5. Full form of MMS � Multimedia Message Service
  6. Full form of PIN � Personal Index number/ Personal Identity Number
  7. Full form of STD � Subscriber Trunk Dialing
  8. Full form of ISD � International Subscriber Dialing
  9. Full form of PCO � Public Call Office
  10. Full form of SD Card � Secure Digital Card
  11. Full form of MMC � Multimedia Memory Card
  12. Full form of GSM � Global System for Mobile
  13. Full form of CDMA � Code Division Multiple Access
  14. Full form of SIM � Subscriber Identity Module
  15. Full form of IVR � Interactive Voice Response


  1. Full form of HTML � Hyperlink Text Markup Language
  2. Full form of ASP � Active Server Page
  3. Full form of PHP � Hypertext Processors
  4. Full form of WAP � Wireless Application Protocol
  5. Full form of SAP � System Application Protocol
  6. Full form of WML � Wireless Markup Language
  7. Full form of HTTP � Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
  8. Full form of WWW � World Wide Web
  9. Full form of URL � Uniform Resource Location

Full form of abbreviations of computer and their parts

  1. Full form of RAM � Random Access Memory
  2. Full form of ROM � Read Only Memory
  3. Full form of Email � Electronic Mail
  4. Full form of Internet � International Network
  5. Full form of USB � Universal Serial Bus
  6. Full form of CRT � Cathode Ray Tube
  7. Full form of LCD � Liquid Cristal Display
  8. Full form of TFT � Thin Film Transistors
  9. Full form of HDD � Hard Disk
  10. Full form of PD � Pen Drive
  11. Full form of OS � Operating System
  12. Full form of XP � Xtra Professional
  13. Full form of CD is � Compaq Disk
  14. Full form of DVD is � Digital Versatile Disk
  15. Full form of VCD is � Video Compaq Disk
  16. Full form of KB � Kilo Byte
  17. Full form of MB � Mega Byte
  18. Full form of GB � Gega Byte
  19. Full form of TB � Tara Byte
  20. Full form of PB � Peta Byte
  21. Full form of EB � Exa Byte
  22. Full form of YB � Yobi Byte
  23. Full form of ZB � Zebi Byte

Full Form of Document formats

  1. Full form of JPEG � Joint Photography Experts Group
  2. Full form of GIF � Graphic Interchange Format
  3. Full form of TIFF � Tag Index File Format
  4. Full form of PDF � Portable Document Formats
  5. Full form of Doc � Document

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